Tuesday, October 03, 2006

lekker dansen!

dansen is leuk
dansen is fijn
het allerleukste dat ik kan bedenken
is in jou armen rondzwieren
muziek om ons heen
en jou dichtbij

klik voor dansinspiratie op de titel=link
en degene met de mooiste danservaring*
wint een dansje met mijzelf in persoon

* mag ook een dansquote, danslied, dansdansje, dansargument, dansblij dingetje zijn

1 comment:

Mirjam said...

I've got a good dance x-perience:
Oce upon a time there was this girl, who was crazy about artistics and plays and stuff, so with two other friend, she decided to make a play of her own. In that play there was a great dance that this person made, and that girl performed with some other girl.
The audience loved it...
"We want more," they shouted. A couple of months after this experience, that girl wanted to audition for some sort of school. So she asked this person to help her out. And in one evening, or should I say, one night, the night before the audition, this person and that girl created the dance.. This person taught that girl all she knew to make the dance work. That girl worked her butt off and dit really good...
Eventually she didn't make it, but that was okay, because there was way more for her to come in the future. And we all know,that it wasn't about the dance, because she nailed it!

(so, did I win???)